#Vastu For Home – Colours for Home

Colours are playing an important part in the house. If we coloured each wall with same colour, it will end up looking bad therefore it is important to have a balance of colour in the entire house.
Depending upon in which direction room is located best suitable colours have to decide. Each and every room in the house is different because every room has specific purpose.

If we are using wrong colours at wrong places it will mess up.

For master bedroom, it is advisable to use brown, blue and pink colours. Red is not advisable to use. Red colour will bring fights within the family, with neighbours. Whereas the blue and pink are masculine and feminine colours respectively and the brown colour gives stability.

Use light green and light yellow colour for kid’s room that will help them to concentrate more on studies without wasting time. Avoid using dark blue colour in kid’s bedroom.

For living room, use more of white colour.  You can use tinges of some other colours too such as, blue, green, a bit of red, light yellow and more.

The best colours for puja room are light yellow, white, cream, light green, light blue etc.   
White, silver, yellow, orange, rose, light chocolate etc. are best to use as floor and wall colours of kitchen. Avoid using dark colours.

White and other light colours are best suited for a staircase in a home.


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Blog written by

Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

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Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement


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